When you eat sugar it get’s split into two different types of sugars glucose and fructose. When those two sugars reach the intestines in your body both of the sugars go through a portal vein. (A portal vein is a vein that connects to all of your other organs in your body) The first stop in the portal vein is the liver the glucose goes to the liver first,now the glucose goes into the liver and gets burn for energy. In order for the glucose to be burned the body releases something called insulin,insulin is like a key that opens your cells so the glucose can be burned. The fructose is the type of sugar that mucks everything up fructose goes thought the same process but ruins the body. It goes through the portal vein goes to the liver but an enzyme tries to take the bad sugar and tries to store it as energy. But ends up getting stored as fat the liver gets overloaded with fat from the fructose. There’s also a circle that kills the body faster. With more liver fat it goes out into the blood and that’ll cause your levels of triglycerides and cholesterol to go higher. That increases your risk of cardiovascular disease,(cardiovascular disease is a disease that ruins your heart and blood vessels) Scientists believe liver fat decreases insulin to do what it is supposed to do. And that is to act as a key to open the cells for the glucose to burn. If insulin isn't working well then that cause more fat to enter the blood. This circle is believed to make each other worse and it causes bad stuff to happen to you.
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